Elimination Diet

What is an Elimination Diet?

An elimination diet is the removal of certain foods and drinks from the daily diet and can be a powerful tool.

Eliminating items can be used by itself, in the absence of testing, and can help a person to determine problematic or intolerant foods. Done in this way a person can remove just one food group or may choose to remove all foods, which are commonly intolerant.

However an elimination diet done following on from food sensitivity testing is that much more specific as a person can implement their elimination diet specific to identified sensitivities or intolerances. Used in this way it can allow the digestive system time to ’rest’ through the removal of items that may have been aggravating it. The period of elimination also provides a level playing field from which items can be reintroduced and the person can evaluate which items provoke symptoms and which do not.

How does an elimination diet work?

Generally an elimination diet is conducted over a short period of time, around four weeks. A longer elimination diet may be recommended in certain circumstances, however generally around four weeks is sufficient time to get good results.  Items can reintroduced one-by-one at the end of this period of time whilst monitoring symptoms.

The removal and reintroduction of items gives enormous clarity on those items or food groups, which may make a person feel good, function optimally and full of energy and those which may lead to digestive symptoms such as bloating or bowel movement changes, or make a person feel lethargic, sluggish or sap energy levels.

Elimination diet phases

There are two phases to the elimination diet. The first is the actual elimination of items. Test results will guide which items or food groups should be eliminated and which items can be eaten freely. This phase can be tough initially, especially if favourite foods or staples in the daily diet have been flagged up by the testing. It is essential to be prepared before undertaking an elimination diet; this means understanding where sensitive or intolerant items may feature within the daily diet and what they can be replaced with.

The second phase is the reintroduction of items. This should be done in a methodical fashion and alongside a symptom diary in order to evaluate any effects of reintroducing items.

What can’t you eat on an elimination diet?

The items or food groups eliminated will be different for each person and will depend upon the test results. The results report will provide clear guidance on which items to remove.

It is imperative that any known allergies or intolerances are also respected. For example if a person is allergic to wheat or lactose intolerant they must continue to abstain from this item.

Nutrient balance

When removing items from the diet, particularly if it is a whole food group, the resulting change in nutrient intake must be considered. Although an elimination diet is only for a short period of time maintaining a good nutrient balance remains important. Some alternative foods can be found on the website and the test results report also provides a level of guidance on alternative items providing the same nutrients.

Key nutrients

An elimination diet and then the reintroduction of items or food groups should provide excellent clarity on which foods work well with the body, enable optimal function, reduce symptoms and improve energy levels and those which do not. If certain foods do provoke symptoms it is worth considering eliminating the item or greatly reducing it in the daily diet. In doing so always consider replacing the key nutrients from the item or food group.

In order to support health, wellbeing and vitality the best possible diet would, in the most part, come from non-processed, natural sources and contain a breadth of vitamins and minerals.

Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAMS)

Our food sensitivity tests are carried out using bioresonance therapy and is categorised under Complementary and Alternative Medicines (CAMs) which covers a wide range of therapies that fall outside mainstream medicine. Tests and related information provided do not make a medical diagnosis nor is it intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health provider if you have a medical condition or with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition and/or medical symptoms.